No count number in what number of seek engines you have got your site indexed in essential seek engines like Google and Yahoo do not believe that listing as a one way link There are perceptions that publish into directories then seek engine spiders will instantly index your online page is correct. But let me clean that submission in foremost seek engines is as crucial as listing submission. It is awfully essential because if case look at answer spider locates your site via a listing then it’s going to index your site down under case look at answer directory’s itemizing guidance of your site, Very bad from SEO aspect of view. 1 FREE 2 BID FOR PLACEMENT 3 DEEP LINKS ONLY 4 PAID + RECIPROCAL 42 5 PAID PERMANENT39 PAID DIRECTORIESPALE WISE DIRECTORY CORNERPAGE OF case look at solution MONTHALL TASTEBIG WEB LINKSMARKET CITYPR6 DIRECTORYSPONE SPOTUP 6WEB DIRECTORY LINKSPlace Y AbidPAID ANNUALDIRECTORY FORGEA LINK DIRECTORYABBY CONAMBUSHABEST OF case study solution WEBBUSINESS SEEKBUISNESSBUZZ BUSINESSCHIFFCLUBOOCT LINK DIRECTORYDUKE SEARCHELYNEXFAMILY FRIENDSFIND SITESA to ZINDEX PLEXIN WEB WORLDKWATLINK CABINLINK RAINLINKS GIVINGMASTER SITEOobDoo PC OWLSEARCH case look at answer INDEXTALKING CITYTECH CUBICTHE BROADESTWHAT YOU SEEKYAHOOPAID PERMANENTAnthony Parsons Skaffe Joe AntV 7NBiggest DirectoryZyasArielis This is our yearAby DirectoryAsk WebDirectory MinsterNesrednaJewanaSorveWeb XCommission DirectoryLinks ArenaBiz SeekDaDuruExcellent GuideFind elioI PagePharos Search 01 Web Directory123 World192 Directory1st Spot26 Portal3 Dollar Auto9 UgA Great DirectoryA Website DirectoryA Z ListedAbbooAbilogicAbout 27Absolute DirectoryA DirectAero SpaceThere are millions of bloggers in case study solution Blogospare you know that. when i all started this blog I wasted a whole bunch my attempt and 100,s of hour of time just filing my blog to web directories BUT what is case study answer fruits. most of case look at solution directories didn’t even accept my listing or although a few of have do blanketed my blog, no advantage got no PR shared, no site visitors both.