My grandfather was an Irish dock worker, a rum runner throughout prohibition, and as a member of case study solution Molly Maguires drove case examine answer KKK out of Portland, ME. My father was case study solution first grownup in his household to move to school but he labored his way via loading groceries onto vehicles. He saw case examine solution way management mistreated case look at answer workers and helped organize case study answer first union at Milliken Tomlinsons, a trucking agency in Portland. My roots are firmly grounded in Catholic Social Teachings: doing good for others, case study answer right to arrange, case examine solution obligation to care for these less fortunate were concepts I embraced at an early age and that shaped case study solution grownup I am today. As part of case study solution Global Political and Social and Ethical Responsibility course I completed case look at answer Core Values survey, which described my five core values: household, integrity, loyalty, accountability, and dedication. The survey reaffirmed case look at solution values I learned via my family’s activities and lessons.